Seducing Miss Cecily (Victorian Virgins)
Seducing Miss Cecily
(Victorian Virgins – Book #3)
By Sapphire Del Rey
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Copyright ã 2013
Sapphire Del Rey is acknowledged as the author of this book
All rights reserved
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Coming Soon…
Other Stories By Sapphire Del Rey
About The Author
Chapter One
Cecily heard the sounds of the gathering before anything else, the laughter and muted voices carrying down the long hallway. There were a large number of people here in the Earl of Sutton’s home on this frosty winter night, and she was certain none of them were here for any reason other than outright sin and seduction. The earl’s winter house party was legendary among the ton for being the absolute height of debauchery, and one that, whether they admitted it or not, everyone secretly longed for an invitation to attend. To quote Margie, the cook’s assistant, in her rather crude manner, it was the place to fuck and be fucked.
She had heard stories, mostly from Margie and the upstairs maids at Folsom House, which was, of course, the London home of her employer, the Marquess of Longchamp, about how most of the women at the earl’s house party didn’t wear clothes and about how debauched sex acts took place in public. In public! She couldn’t imagine that kind of perversion.
Not that Cecily was a prude. Far from it. In fact, at one time, she herself had been a member of the minor peerage, her father a local baron, though never a member of the true upper crust. In those circles, talk of fucking was never far from anyone’s mind or lips, even the ladies. After all, her social circle spent a fair amount of time in the country and saw such carnal acts between animals rather often.
Not to mention that it was often said that there was little difference between a stallion with a desire to breed and an English lord when he saw a woman’s tits. So Cecily had a fair idea of the sexual appetites of the lords of society. Even if she hadn’t before, she certainly had after working for Longchamp, even for a few scant months. Still, she found it hard to believe that this kind of thing went on with regularity and that polite society as a whole turned a blind eye to the entire thing.
Then again, she mused as she was led down the corridor, if most of polite society was, in fact, inside the ballroom ahead of her, why would they acknowledge their secret sins for all the world to see? After all, if the Prince Regent himself could have more women than most men dreamed of, why shouldn’t the rest of the peerage indulge when they wished?
And indulge they did – often and without regard for who they used in the process – which was, Cecily suspected how she’d ended up here in the first place.
After only a short time in his employ, she’d grown tired of the marquess grabbing and groping her, squeezing her breasts so hard that it hurt every time he caught her alone. So she’d appealed to Folsom House’s butler, Tully, for help in securing a new position. At first, he’d looked at her oddly, then, even more strangely, asked if she was a virgin. She’d grown indignant then, but only for a moment, before looking the man in the eye and stating that she was, indeed, still an innocent.
Had she known at the time what Tully had been planning, she would have said she’d lost her virginity years ago. Instead, she’d been kidnapped and was now dressed in a corset, stockings, garters, and nothing more, blindfolded and being led down a hall towards the waiting ballroom beyond. There, she knew exactly what would happen. Tully, who apparently also worked for the earl on the side, and his “assistant” Margeaux, herself a French whore, had described it all in painfully exquisite detail.
This was the first night of the house party and all of the extremely important guests had arrived. As was customary, select members of the peerage would be given gifts for the evening, so called “party favours,” a name borrowed from that infernal Helios Club she’d been told, that they could do with as they pleased and that always ended in the innocent being fucked. Cecily, as well as the three other women and four men being led down the hall with her, were the “gifts” for this year’s celebration.
Tonight, whether she was willing or not, Cecily would be taken and fucked, solely for the amusement of a member of society. After that? She had no idea what would happen to her. Tully and the whore weren’t talking. However, Cecily couldn’t imagine that the result would be good, whatever it was. At best, she supposed she would be sold into prostitution. At worst? Left on the street to die. Considering the options, the groping at Folsom House didn’t seem quite so repugnant any longer. In fact, she’d fuck the marquess himself if it saved her from a life of whoring for sailors and the lowest dregs of mankind.
She felt a breeze brush past her face and then the warmth of the ballroom pulled her in, caressing her bare skin like a lover’s touch. A hand at her back gave her a small push, forcing her deeper into the room, and she stumbled a bit before that same hand steadied her. Beyond the blackness, she heard the rustle of fabric and felt the soft stroke of velvet across her arm. However, the voices in the room were still muted and she decided they must be behind a screen or curtain of some type. Otherwise, given the way they were dressed – the women like sluts and the men bare-chested, wearing breeches so tight that their semi-erect cocks, thanks mostly to Margeaux’s earlier ministrations, were on full display – Cecily was certain that at least someone would make a rude remark the moment they were seen. This was the ton, after all. It was unavoidable.
Then, large hands shoved her backwards and she tumbled, rather ungracefully, into a soft, high backed chair. Her legs were forcibly spread open, her feet planted wide on either side of the chair, and a voice growled low in her ear.
“Keep your legs open and that sweet little cunny of yours on display, love. Otherwise, there will be hell to pay. When someone taps you on the shoulder, you stand. Until then, you don’t move. At all.” He paused and she could smell the faint tinge of whiskey on the man’s breath. “After that, well, you’ll see for yourself.”
With that, he moved her legs a few more times until they were open to his satisfaction and sliding a finger into her cunt to see if she was wet before moving on to the next woman. Cecily was too afraid to move, even though her mind screamed at her to get up and run. But where would she go? With her wrists bound in front of her, there wasn’t much she could do, other than pull off the blindfold and run, hoping for the best. However, she had no doubt that, dressed as she was, it wouldn’t be long before she was attacked and fucked. Or worse.
No, given what she’d been told, she knew her best course of action was to remain seated and simply accept whatever happened. At least she knew she wouldn’t be beaten. Tully had told them all that Sutton chose those he bestowed gifts on very carefully, wanting to be certain that the recipient would truly appreciate the treasure they were being given for the evening. If there was even so much of a hint that the recipient would abuse their gift, the person was taken away and given to another, more worthy recipient. She would be cared for and looked after, at least in a fashion.
However, it was also clear that she was going to be fucked, whether she wanted it or not. Margeaux had said that it would be better if she was a willing participant in the sexual debauchery, and that a slap or two was tolerated if the “party favour,” as they were being called, resisted.
Then, Ce
cily had no more time to think about what was happening or what her fate might be. The crowd had finally quieted and before she knew it, something soft and velvet brushed by her ankles. It was, she decided, the curtain opening, especially after she heard the collective gasp from the assembled company. Obviously, the virgins on display tonight met with the group’s approval.
“My dear friends,” a rich, throaty baritone voice rang out across the ballroom, “welcome to my annual winter house party. I know that most of you are already enjoying yourselves immensely. So before we all become too far deep into our enjoyment, let us proceed with The Gifting.”
There was a smattering of applause and Cecily longed for a peek at what was going on in the room, but she knew it was no use. A sharp gasp from her left told her that at least one of the other women had done something foolish. Then, she heard Sutton chuckle.
“Seems we have an eager one on our hands.” There was clear glee in his voice and for some odd reason that calmed Cecily’s nerves. Obviously, Sutton wanted them here, wanted to give them out as human gifts. Though she didn’t like the thought of what was coming, she was curious. She could be bold enough to admit that. At her “advanced” age, to still be a virgin was something of a minor miracle, though it also meant that on more than one occasion, she did long to know exactly what she was missing.
The earl cleared his throat. “Shall we, my friends? I think my honored guests would very much like to claim their treats for the evening, don’t you?” Just then, Cecily felt a tap on her shoulder and she stood, just as she had been instructed. For what seemed like an eternity, but was probably no more than thirty seconds, she could hear no talking, no whispering of any kind, just a sort of shuffling noise, as if people were moving about.
Drat! She wished she could see what was going on! Even if it was nothing short of scandalous!
Then the blindfold was removed from her eyes with such force that her head almost snapped around. She blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the light, though she was thankful the room was dimly lit with few candles so that the entire scene came into focus rather quickly.
The eight virgin offerings were on a raised platform, obviously built into the far side of the room. To their right was a doorway that led out into some type of darkened hallway, but against their backs was a high wall, as if this area were more of a stage than anything else. Below them, eight people – four men and four women – stood in front of the gifts, their backs all Cecily could see.
The man in front of her had raven black hair and broad, clearly muscular shoulders. There was a vague sense of familiarity about him, though she was fairly certain she had never met the man. Her father hadn’t socialized much with people of this ilk and the marquess rarely entertained. When he did, it was mostly courtesans and whores, not members of society.
Looking out across the room, she could see both men and women in various stages of undress, with more tits and cocks on display than she’d ever seen in her life. Yet no one seemed the least bit embarrassed. In a far corner, she thought she could see a couple fucking, but the lit was too dim to be certain. She prayed that she would not be forced into a public display, thinking that a bit much even for the notorious Sutton.
Sutton. From the corner of her eye, she could see him, naked from the waist up, his golden hair falling around his shoulders like that of a Viking warrior. A woman, scandalously dressed, or perhaps undressed was a better word, in scarlet and silver, was at his right hand, but he didn’t seem to be paying much attention to her. Instead, his icy blue gaze was fixed on a woman in green, much more modestly dressed though still quite scandalous, who stood in the back of the room.
Shaking his head, as if emerging from a fog, Sutton made a sweeping bow and indicated his honored guests. “Behold. My guests and their favors. They are now free to do as they wish as long as they abide by my rules!” Then he winked, taking in the scene before him. Cecily felt bold enough to do the same. Around her, the other favors seemed to be getting into the spirit of things, none of them ashamed of their nudity. In fact, one of the men who had been abducted was already removing his breeches, his cock proud and erect, ready to do service to the woman who had received him.
The man lowered the woman who had selected him to the stage and then knelt between her legs. In one swift movement, he slid his cock inside of her and she threw her head back with a moan, gripping the previously virgin man’s shoulders tightly. Then, he began thrusting, hard and fast, and Cecily was forced to look away, afraid someone might see her own cunt becoming wet as she watched them fuck, the woman’s tits bouncing merrily as she slid herself farther down the man’s shaft.
When the woman screamed as the man bit down on her engorged nipple, the gathering crowd lunged at the fucking couple and began to join in the sexual antics, creating something of an orgy, which both fascinated and repulsed her. When another man slid his cock into the woman’s arse, it was almost too much, yet Cecily’s cunt grew curiously wetter, wondering what that would feel like. Not only to have a cock in her arse but to have two men inside of her at once. She rather thought she might like that, wanton whore that she was quickly becoming.
Just then, as the moans increased and Cecily thought she might be forced to join in, Sutton cursed, though only those on the stage probably heard him. She watched as he hurried off after the woman in green as she disappeared out one of the side doors. There was something there, Cecily was certain of it and she had no doubt that, given the way Sutton’s cock rose when he looked at the woman, they would be fucking before the end of the evening.
Sensing the show was over, for now at least, the other guests moved off, some of them grumbling about not being chosen to receive one of the virgin offerings this year. On either side of her, her fellow captives were quickly spirited away. Soon, she was left standing alone on the edge of the stage, the man in front of her giving no indication that he was aware of her presence.
Then, just as she was about to speak, the man turned, fixing Cecily with an emerald gaze that was enough to melt away any resistance she had. If she had to lose her virginity, she supposed, this man would be as good a choice as any. He had a look about him and again, she felt certain that she knew this man, though she couldn’t say from where.
He regarded her for a moment, then finally raised an eyebrow imperiously. “I am so grateful that I was honored enough to choose first.” He inclined his head slightly, giving him a decidedly wicked look. “Lord Ashley, Duke of Canterfield, at your service.”
Licking her lips, she looked at him a moment, knowing he expected something in return. She supposed starting with her name was a good choice. “Cecily Huntfield, formerly of Huntfield Hall near Grundby.” She swallowed hard, taking in the duke’s obvious erection, which was clearly visible through his impossibly tight breeches. “At your service as well, I suppose.”
A smile lit up the duke’s face just then, almost as if he knew something she didn’t, and he reached out to take her hand. “Ah, Cecily, I know we will have a most marvelous time this evening.” He glanced at the orgy, which was now in full swing beside them. “But not like that. At the moment, I prefer a more private encounter.” He grinned. “Though if you are so inclined, this house party does last several days. I’d be more than willing to share you with a man or two. For the right incentive, of course.” Then, he pulled her towards the side door she’d seen earlier and in that moment, Cecily had no doubt that this man meant every word he’d just said. She was well and truly fucked. Or she would be by the time the evening was over.
Chapter Two
By the time Robert reached his room, he was sweating, whether with desire or fear he wasn’t certain. He’d recognized Cecily the moment he’d seen her on the stage and in that moment, he was thankful beyond all measure that Sutton had decided that this year, the Party Favours would be chosen by rank – highest to lowest. As the only duke among the honored guests, that meant that Robert would be allowed to choose first.
He was certain she did
n’t remember him. After all, there was a six year age difference between them and she’d only been six, perhaps even as young as five, when her father had died and the Huntfield family had been cast into poverty. He, however, had remembered her. There was no mistaking that glorious mane of chestnut curls or those deep brown eyes anywhere. He’d just been thankful that he’d been able to select her as his gift.
He shuddered to think what would have happened had he not been at the house party this year. The other people chosen to receive a gift this year were known for “sharing” their whores, and while Robert was more than willing to share, they were of the rougher sort, more apt to rape than seduce. Cecily needed to be seduced so that she would be willing. He was, of course, the perfect man to seduce her. He knew her far better than she could ever suspect
Shutting the door behind him, he debated about removing his cravat and shirt, then decided that it was necessary. At the moment, Cecily was off somewhere, being “prepared” for him. When the servant arrived with her, if he wasn’t properly disrobed, it would be reported and then Sutton would demand to know what was wrong and take Cecily from him, thinking she wasn’t pleasing. Truthfully, there was nothing wrong. Robert merely wanted to make certain that Cecily was comfortable with him before he took her. Because he was going to take her, but he preferred not to rape her. But he would have her. One look at her on that stage, with her mound bared to all, her tits high in the air, had made his cock spring to attention like no woman had in months.
No, despite everything, Robert was still a rake at heart and he would have Cecily. He simply wanted her soft and willing when he did. He also wanted her to remember him.
He wasn’t surprised when the door opened moments later and Cecily was led inside. Gone were the underthings she’d worn earlier in and in their place, she wore a sheer, silky chemise.